

About Us

The OA Music ministry is comprised of a globally diverse and eclectic body of musicians, dancers, actors, and members purposed to glorify God through the sacrifices of praise and worship.

Currently established in over 50 countries, the ministry utilizes song, dance, and all other forms of expression found within the performing arts and media to sound one loud and unified spiritual trumpet call, proclaiming to all peoples the message of hope, healing and spiritual freedom as found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Through this Gospel, the Music ministry wishes to bring truth and life back into today's entertainment industry and culture, transforming them into mediums to be used for God's will and purposes.


Knowing full well the power of the media to influence people, shape worldviews, and ultimately bring about change in society, the purpose of the Media Ministry is to utilize media and the men and women who use it to bring about positive changes and to draw people closer to the one who saves - Jesus Christ.

The OA Music Ministry is a performing arts and media group purposed to glorify God by leading the nations into united worship of Him. Through humble, passionate, and skillful offerings of praise and worship, the Ministry wishes to proclaim to all peoples a message of hope, healing and spiritual freedom as found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and to empower God's people with the truth and joy of salvation for the transformation of culture and society into one that is centered on Jesus Christ.

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