• Donation

    Become an Olivet Assembly Supporter

    Olivet Assembly is a non-profit organization supported by our staff, by member organizations and by the contributions of the Christian community. With your ongoing support, we can continue to keep Olivet Assembly going strong, reaching out to the communities in all major cities in Australia. Your donations, your participation, and your prayers allow us to be more effective in spreading the good news of Jesus Christ. By supporting Olivet Assembly, you will not only be showing your support for one organization, but you will be showing your support for the expansion of God’s Kingdom.


    In Australia, there is an increased need to fill all major cities with churches. While successful churches continue to operate in most populated cities, there are also many open to being pioneered. OA Australia is calling for increased support in order to offer financial aid to faithful and diligent church planters who are responding to the call of mission. The donations received will go towards church rent, living costs, and the furtherance of the missionaries’ educations.



    Missionaries are the frontlines of expanding the mission field across the world. As such, they should be blessed and provided for in their daily fight to bring the gospel to all the nations. OA Australia asks for donations to continue to support all of the missionaries currently in the field. Donations can be made out to specific individuals or the missionary field in general. Their efforts are made possible by the money that allows them to maintain a church, perform evangelism, and raise Christian leaders in their communities.



    Missionaries are the frontlines of expanding the mission field across the world. As such, they should be blessed and provided for in their daily fight to bring the gospel to all the nations. OA Australia asks for donations to continue to support all of the missionaries currently in the field. Donations can be made out to specific individuals or the missionary field in general. Their efforts are made possible by the money that allows them to maintain a church, perform evangelism, and raise Christian leaders in their communities.


    Other ways to support


    If you choose to make a donation by bank transfer, please deposit the money to the bank below:

    Name: Olivet Assembly Inc

    BSB: 033-178

    ACC: 427993