

About Us

The Media Ministry of the Olivet Assembly desires to see today's media utilized to touch and influence the lives of people around the world. Through the ministry, we help Christ-centered and media-minded individuals to be more effective as Bible-believing communicators in the workplace, on the Web, and wherever we are.

We help connect creators and consumers of media to the right resources and the right people, while also providing a platform where friendships and partnerships can be born, maintained, and developed. We try to do whatever we can to help people from all places and from all tongues and tribes to come to fully know God and to make Him fully known through all He's given to us – first and foremost His Son and Our Lord, Jesus Christ, as well as the Holy Scriptures.

We believe that God has given us all the tools and technologies we need to see the Great Commission completed within our lifetimes.


Knowing full well the power of the media to influence people, shape worldviews, and ultimately bring about change in society, the purpose of the Media Ministry is to utilize media and the men and women who use it to bring about positive changes and to draw people closer to the one who saves - Jesus Christ.

We serve this purpose by using our God-given time, passion, skills, and resources to reach out to anyone that God brings within our reach and beyond.